
2015年2月13日 星期五

數造天才 (X+Y) 解百條方程式 ,可否兼修愛的學分? 多倫多影展及釜山國際影展入圍作品&英國獨立電影大獎最佳男主角、女配角及男配角等四大提名

數學天份過人 ,偏偏溝通零分。
破解百條方程式 ,可否兼修愛的學分?

《數造天才》3月19日 窩心獻映。
數造天才 (X+Y)
片種: 劇情
上映日期: 2015-03-19
片長: 111分鐘
語言: 英語及部份普通話 (中文字幕)
導演: 摩根麥菲斯
主演: 《雨果的巴黎奇幻歷險》艾沙畢達菲、《緣來不是我女友》拉菲斯波、《情迷藍茉莉》奧斯卡提名女星莎莉賀堅絲、《神探福爾摩斯》艾迪馬森、 電視劇《離愛》焦陽
有數學天才都無法破解的方程式嗎?尼敦自少有自閉症徵狀,不擅與人溝通,唯一能明白他的只有爸爸及數學。父親意外去世後,尼敦與母親茱莉的關係急轉直下。 無法和兒子溝通的茱莉,發現尼敦數學天份過人,決定把兒子交由性情古怪的數學老師洪馬田特別栽培。熱誠令兩代數學天才,建立起亦師亦友的關係,尼敦更成功 通過甄選,代表英國競逐國際數學奧林匹克大賽,以初選者身份前往台灣,與中國隊聯合集訓,爭取出賽機會。
Genre: Comedy│Drame
Opening Date: 2015-03-19
Length: 111mins
Languages: English & Putonghua (In Parts) (Chinese Subtitles)
Director: Morgan Matthews
Cast: Asa Butterfield, Rafe Spall, Sally Hawkins, Eddie Marsan, Jo Yang
A young maths genius sees logic thwarted by one truly baffling equation: love.
Teenage maths prodigy Nathan (Asa Butterfield) struggles when it comes to building
relationships with other people, not least with his mother, Julie (Sally Hawkins). In a
world difficult to comprehend, he finds comfort in numbers. And when Nathan is
taken under the wing of unconventional and anarchic teacher, Mr. Humphreys (Rafe
Spall), the pair forge an unusual friendship.Eventually, Nathan’s talents win him a
place on the UK National team at the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) and
the team travel to a training camp in Taiwan, under the supervision of squad leader
Richard (Eddie Marsan).
In unfamiliar surroundings, Nathan is confronted by a series of unexpected challenges
— not least the unfamiliar feelings he begins to experience for his Chinese
counterpart, the beautiful Zhang Mei (Jo Yang), feelings that develop when the young
mathematicians return to England for the IMO, held at Trinity College, Cambridge.
From suburban England to bustling Taipei and back again, this original and heart-
warming film tracks the funny and complex relationships that Nathan builds, as he is
confronted by the irrational nature of love.


