為紀念「姆明媽媽」──芬蘭國寶級漫畫家朵貝楊笙(Tove Jansson)誕辰一百周年,芬蘭特別誠意推出這部姆明史上首部100%手繪大動畫,獻給全球姆明迷前所未有的歡樂之旅!《姆明:漫遊藍灣》
4月30日 漫遊花花世界
姆 明家族難得去蔚藍海岸度假,竟然遇到前所未有的暗湧!眼見女朋友科妮和花花公子出雙入對,一向善良的姆明也忍不住醋意大發。姆明爸爸更扮成有錢人,日日掛 住和新結識的侯爵吃喝玩樂。唯獨姆明媽媽自覺與上流社會格格不入,寧願住在破爛小船種盆栽,等待家人回心轉意…在這片陽光與海灘,姆明一家的和諧團結受到 終極考驗!史上首部全手繪姆明動畫片,由他們的故鄉芬蘭誠意炮製,將漫畫原汁原味搬上大銀幕!
The Moomins, Snorkmaiden and Little My, in search of adventures of their own, set sail for the Riviera, where, after a journey fraught with menacing storms and desert island dangers, Snorkmaiden is dazzled by the attentions of a playboy and Moomin learns that jealousy’s sting is the most painful of all. When Moominpappa befriends an aristocrat and adopts the name ‘de Moomin’, an exasperated Moominmamma retires to the relative calm of their trusty old boat, to wait for her family to come to their senses. For the very first time, the unity of the Moomins is threatened. This is the first animated feature film based on Tove Jansson’s original comic strips.
《姆明:漫遊藍灣》4月30日 漫遊花花世界
類型 Genre: 動畫 Animation
導演Director : 薩維亞皮卡Xavier Picard
原著 Based on : 朵貝楊笙、拉斯楊笙的《姆明漫畫全集》
Tove and Lars Jansson’s books Moomin, the complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip
片長 Duration : 76分鐘/mins
級數 Category : I
語言 Language : 英語 English (中文字幕 Chinese subtitles)
上映日期In theatres: 30-04-2015
預告 Trailer: https://youtu.be/VnsibTmLVvU